The other night I was sitting on the couch watching conservatives attack President Joe Biden for slamming “MAGA Republicans” in a prime-time address. Then a clip from a 2020 Trump rally was shown where former President Trump stated Democrats want to “replace American freedom with left-wing fascism. Fascists, they are fascists.” This wasn’t the first time I heard Trump make this statement, and again the voice of Inigo Montoya from The Princess Bride echoed in my head, “I do not think that word means what you think it means.” All Americans know that fascism is bad, but do we know why? Are the Democrats truly fascists, or is former President Trump just projecting his belief system? It’s time to take a step back and examine the history of fascism to better understand this political ideology.

Fascism revolves around the leader. They vow to reclaim a nation’s dignity that has been supposedly tarnished by immigrants, leftists, liberals, minorities, homosexuals, and women. All of this is purportedly done to take back control of the country’s media outlets, cultural institutions, and schools from these said groups.
To restore the nation, you need a very aggressive solution. This aggression can be facilitated through rhetoric and physical action. Fascism, like all forms of authoritarianism, is right-wing by nature. It is based on ultranationalism. You can have the left-wing authoritarianism of minority groups. The history books are littered with accounts of Stalin and Mao, who did terrible things on the left. However, not every terrible thing is fascist.
What is Fascism?
Fascism is a political ideology that emerged in the early 20th century in Europe. It combines elements of nationalism, totalitarianism, and anti-communism. Fascists seek to promote their nation’s glory and power while suppressing any opposing ideologies. They also seek to expand their nation’s territory through aggressive military action.
Fascism first rose to prominence in Italy in the 1920s under the leadership of Benito Mussolini. Mussolini’s reign was marked by totalitarianism, a personality cult, aggressive expansionism, and horrific violence. The Italian fascist movement also had strong ties to the Catholic Church.
In Germany, fascism took a different form under the leadership of Adolf Hitler. The Nazi regime was characterized by totalitarianism, racism, anti-Semitism, and a focus on military expansion. The Nazis also promoted a cult of personality around Hitler and used propaganda to control the population.
Fascist regimes were often hostile to Communists and other left-wing groups. They also tended to be highly xenophobic and paranoid, seeing enemies everywhere. This paranoia often led to purges and show trials, in which people who were perceived as threats to the regime were rounded up and executed.
Fascists believe that the government should have complete control over the lives of its citizens. They see the government as a force for good that can bring order and stability to society. To achieve this, fascists typically centralize power within the government and reduce or eliminate checks and balances. This gives them free rein to pursue their vision for the nation without interference.
Fascists also tend to be highly autocratic, meaning they have little tolerance for dissent or opposition. Anyone who disagrees with the fascist regime is dealt with swiftly and harshly.
The word fascism comes from the Latin root fasces, which means a bundle of sticks. This indicates that when examining fascism, you cannot look at the individual characteristics in isolation but rather as a whole.
What are the Characteristics of a Fascist Movement?
Fascist movements typically have the following characteristics:
-A strong leader who claims to have all the answers
-A sense of national pride and superiority
-A belief that your nation is being denied its rightful place in the world
-A desire to return to a simpler time when things were better
-A willingness to use violence to achieve your goals
-A disdain for democracy and individual rights
-An obsession with law and order
-A hatred of communism, socialism, liberalism, and anything else that threatens your power
“You know what I am? I’m a nationalist. OK? I’m a nationalist.”
President Donald Trump campaign rally for Sen. Ted Cruz in Houston TX, October 22, 2018

Fascism is rooted in nationalism, which is the belief that your nation is superior to all others. Fascists believe that their nation is destined to be great and powerful, and they will do whatever it takes to make that happen. This often manifests itself in aggressive foreign policy, as fascists seek to expand their nation’s borders by any means necessary. Additionally, fascists typically adopt an us-versus-them mentality, which can lead to violence and bigotry against minority groups deemed to be threats to the nation’s unity.
All nationalism has at its core a fabricated historical narrative. In a fascist movement, the idealized past begins with “we were once powerful or great.” In the past, the power structure was dominated by a single racial group. The fascist leader then says that what you have been given has been taken away from you. By whom? The leftists and communists who seek to diminish the single racial groups’ prowess and greatness.
“When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that’s the way it’s got to be. . . . The authority of the president of the United States having to do with the subject we’re talking about is total.”
President Trump on April 13, 2013
While not all fascist regimes are totalitarian, most have totalitarian tendencies. This means they seek to control every aspect of their citizens’ lives. They do this through censorship, propaganda, and strict controls on what people can and cannot do. The goal is to create a society in which everyone conforms to the fascist ideal, and anyone who does not is swiftly dealt with.
The press is doing everything within their power to fight the magnificence of the phrase, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN! They can’t stand the fact that this Administration has done more than virtually any other Administration in its first 2yrs. They are truly the ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE!
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 5, 2019
Fascist propaganda typically used the description of friends and enemies to control how people think. The political adversary is an existential threat to the single group’s existence. They are the other, as we have discussed before, the boogieman. However, when they are in charge, it subverts the nation. Fascist propaganda is based on the idea that others are a threat to the nation.
“CNN International is still a major source of (Fake) news, and they represent our Nation to the WORLD very poorly. The outside world does not see the truth from them!…the most dishonest, corrupt and/or distorted in its political coverage of your favorite President (me).”
Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 17, 2017

Creator: CHRIS DELMAS | Credit: AFP via Getty Images
Fascist regimes typically control the media to some extent in order to control what information citizens have access to. They may outright control major news outlets, deem those who are against the fascist leaders as fake news, or they may put pressure on journalists and networks to self-censor. This allows the fascist regime to shape public opinion by controlling the narrative and only allowing certain information to be disseminated.
Rejecting intellectualism and expertise
“I don’t think science knows, actually.”
Donald J. Trump on Climate Change September 14, 2020

Fascism results in almost a worship or messianic holding of the leader. Propaganda is the art of influencing people’s brains through information and indoctrination. The leader dictates what is true or false, independent of fact. Any area of expertise is a challenge to the leader’s authority. If the science community agrees with the leader, he will use them. If not, then he will degrade and dismiss their expertise. Institutions that teach multiple viewpoints of history are a threat to the leader of any fascist regime.
Law and Order
“The words ‘law and order’ are words that Democrats don’t like to use. They don’t think they’re politically good. There’s nothing wrong with law and order. There’s law and order, and you shouldn’t be ashamed of it.”
Donald J Trump, Remarks to Supporters in Minneapolis, Minnesota – August 17, 2020

Drew Angerer/Getty Images
Former President Donald Trump repeatedly stated, ” I am your President of law and order.” To which Law and Order were the former President referring? Does this mean justice under the law? The phrase “law and order” has a different meaning than the phrase “equality” or “justice.” Under a fascist government, the minority groups who accept their place in the power structure obey “law and order.” Those in the majority group who accept their place over others obey “law and order.” But, those who do not accept their assigned place in the power structure are deemed criminals. By this very nature, equality is a conflicting concept of “law and order, ” the order being the hierarchy of things. Equality exists amongst those in the majority, but equality does not exist between the majority and the minority. In a fascist regime, “law and order” is used to maintain the existing power structure and suppress those who challenge it. The simplest way to understand it is that “Law and Order” structures who are legitimate and who are not.
The Order of Things

A racial hierarchy is at the heart of fascism. The belief that some races are innately superior to others is what justifies the brutal and often deadly treatment of minority groups. This concept of hierarchy in general can also be seen in how fascist regimes treat women, with many adopting patriarchal values that place men above women in society and within the home. Religion can also fall into a hierarchical structure. In fascist Italy, for example, the Catholic Church was given a preferential position, and other religions were suppressed. In the US with the increase in Christian Nationalism, the desire of preferential treatment is demanded. Once the hierarchy is established that this religion states that one group is better than another. It’s a moral issue; it’s not a question of policy. This race is superior, this gender is superior, and it’s really about morality. Once the moral high ground is established, it can be used to make those who are in the majority group frightened or concerned about losing their position in society.
Truths or Alternative Facts

It is a basic principle of American constitutionalism that the source of government power is the people. It’s all about communicating openly, honestly, and transparently with the people. Simply, truth is the cornerstone of democracy. When the government leadership lies to the people, freedom is eroded. For all men to be created equal, this equality requires truth. Even in a democracy, equality does not mean everyone is the same. Equality means that every voice matters. For the fascist leader, political equality means speaking truth to power. To maintain power, the fascist leader maintains what truth is and what is not. When the leader controls what is true, they control the people.
The limbs of the hierarchical lies
Once the concept of Order has been established, when the majority feels or are told they risk losing power, they become victims of equality. In a 2021 poll conducted by the University of Virginia Center for Politics found that 84% of Trump supporters were strongly or somewhat worried about anti-white discrimination. An identical percentage also thought Christianity was under attack in America.
In World War II, German Christians were victims of Jews. After the American Civil War, more and more white Americans are victims of black American equality. Today, there is an endless stream of political rhetoric where men are victims of feminism. Once you’ve convinced people that they should be better and secured their position in the pecking order over others, you have convinced them that equality is a victim.
We need men to protect others
The fascist leader always tries to convince the majority that their women and children are under threat. This is done to create a need for the strongman to protect them. The majority will then look to the fascist leader as their protector and men as the family, creating a strong bond between the leader and the people.
Trump’s 2016 campaign said, “I am the law and order candidate,” preying on people’s fears that they are not safe. He promised to be their protector, using fear tactics to convince people they needed him.
The fascist leader attacks others and creates a sense of hysteria and fear for those who advocate for transgender rights, homosexuality, and other alternative lifestyles. In turn, it also creates fear in the dominant group that these alternatives are against the order. The fascist leader convinces his supporters that these individuals are not trying to live their own lives; they are attempting to undermine and destroy your way of life. The organizations breaking the “order of things” aren’t just interested in equality; they aim to harm your family.
Urban-rural political divide

The fascist leader will always try to exploit the divide between those who live in rural areas and those who live in cities. The leader will say that the people in power, the government, and the media are all controlled by leftists who are out of touch with “real Americans.” They will say that these elites are trying to destroy America and its traditions.
The fascist leader will use this divide to convince people that electing him is the only way to protect their way of life. He will promise to return power to the people and make America great again.
Donald Trump exploited the urban-rural political divide when he ran for president in 2016 and in 2020. He promised to bring power back to the people and make America great again. He won the election by flipping key Rust Belt states that had voted for Barack Obama in 2008 and 2012.
Only work sets you free

In October 2020, Trump campaign manager, Corey Lewandowski, invoked a Nazi regime propaganda slogan in a video to end the lockdowns during the pandemic. One may argue that the campaign manager was ignorant of the deep historical significance of “Arbeit Macht Frei” and are known for appearing on the entrance gates to Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps, or he was simply using the language of the administration.
The slogan, “Arbeit Macht Frei” or “work sets you free” was used by the Nazis to convince people that if they worked hard, they would be rewarded. It was a way to control the population and get them to do what the Nazi regime wanted.
The Trump administration has also used this slogan to control the population. In April 2020, Trump said he wanted to “reopen the economy” and “get people back to work.” He has continued to use this rhetoric throughout the pandemic, even as the US death toll from the virus continues to rise.
The Trump administration used fascist rhetoric to control the population. They used fear tactics to convince people that they needed to work hard and that the only way to be free was to work hard. This also spilled over into the administration’s immigration policies and rhetoric. This is an example of a slogan that demands introspection. The underlying theme of this phrase is “the minority group is lazy, they need to be forced to work.” The lazy, minority groups, such as the leftists, are by definition averse to hard work.
During Trump’s administration, he had a significant anti-worker record. The far-right message that labor unions are full of communists trying to make things easier is a consistent one. It is an American value of hard work. The administration’s view of immigration, disabilities, and urban jobs vs. rural jobs were all designed to pit the majority against the minority.
The elements listed above, on their own, are not fascist. However, when an administration uses them collectively to gain power and control the population, that is fascism. Fascism is a violent and destructive political ideology that has caused untold suffering throughout history. Fascists believe in strong central governments led by charismatic leaders, aggressive nationalism, and conflict as a way to resolve differences.
What’s Next?
Fascism relies on a few key components to maintain power. A strong leader, a hierarchy of power, and control over the information that is disseminated to the public. With these factors in place, a fascist regime can remain in power for years, even decades.
The Trump administration has all of these elements in place. Trump is a strong leader who is revered by his followers. There is a clear hierarchy of power within the administration, with Trump at the top and his advisors and cabinet members below him. And finally, the Trump administration has complete control over the information that is disseminated to the public.
The question now is, what will happen next? Will the Trump administration use its power to further consolidate its hold on the country? Or will they be ousted from power in the next election by a reform in the Republican Party? Has the Republican Party become Trumpian Republicans? Only time will tell.
In the meantime, it’s important to educate yourself. Read about the history of fascism and learn about the warning signs of a fascist regime. Be aware of the rhetoric that is being used by the Trump administration and other politicians. And most importantly, don’t let fear control you. In today’s world, the words of hate can appear quite eloquent. At the end of the day, hate is hate. Paraphrasing George Santanya, if we do not learn from the past, we are doomed to repeat it. Stand up to hate and bigotry in all its forms.